30 Jun

Eton Mess with an Icelandic twist

11539196_10205856922076300_1370616124779925279_oI had guests over for dinner the other day and decided to make a dessert dedicated to both islands, Great Britain and Iceland. The outcome was Eton Mess with an Icelandic twist, using skyr. If you want to know more about skyr I wrote about it in an earlier blog post.


450 gr/15.8 oz  skyr

100ml/3.4 oz  double cream 

 dash of Ribena blackcurrant juice

3 x 7.5cm/3in   meringue nests, crushed

300 gr/11 oz  blueberries

almond flakes

coconut flakes

Preparation method

Roast the almond and coconut flakes in a dry pan, until golden. Set aside to cool.

Whip the cream lightly and fold in the skyr and blackcurrant juice.

Add the crushed merengue and blueberries.

Divide into four glasses or bowls.

Decorate with almond flakes, coconut flakes and blueberries.

Bon appetit!

28 Jun

Gin O’Clock

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Sometimes one needs to laugh. And when one needs to laugh, one turns to the Twitter account of the Queen. Countless times I’ve cried with laughter reading it and if I feel irritated or sad for some reason, reading it always helps. It’s not the real Queen Elizabeth II tweeting of course, but one doesn’t really care. It’s funny!

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So, good people. Check THIS out! You will not be disappointed!


26 Jun

The Hot Tub

11654059_10155754922810472_1215289369_oI can’t think of anything more Icelandic than soaking in a hot tub on a cold starry night.

The Hot Tub is a short documentary by Harpa Fönn Sigurjónsdóttir & Askja Films. The film is due to be released in the autumn and is seeking funding on Karolina Fund. A worthy cause to support.

The Hot Tub captures the unique culture of the Icelandic HOT TUBS. Iceland has long been known for its natural, warm water due to geothermal activity. Hence our great, warm swimming pools all around the country with traditional hot tubs on the side. After a good swim it has become a tradition for many Icelanders or “Hot-tubbers” to relax in the hot tub and socialise. On a cold winter morning, this is something that cannot fail.

For some, this has become more than just a tradition, but rather a fundamental ritual to start out the day. In the documentary, we get to know these people and what it is that drives their dedication to the hot tub, what makes them tick, what makes them laugh and what makes them cry.


Anna Sæunn, Harpa Fönn and Eva

Directed by: Harpa Fönn Sigurjónsdóttir
Produced by: Eva Sigurdardottir & Harpa Fönn Sigurjónsdóttir
Production Manager: Anna Sæunn Ólafsdóttir
Animation: Lára Garðarsdóttir
Music by: Kira Kira

Production Company: Askja Films
Facebook Page





25 Jun

‘Window weather’

11125322_10205854269889997_4702796378802884821_oI’m standing by the window and it’s a beautiful sunny day in Hampstead. I’m pretty sure it’s warm outside. Back home in Iceland, I would hope it was not just another day of “gluggaveður” which literally means ‘window-weather’. It’s when the weather seems great, when you’re looking through a window from inside, but is actually cold and not so great when you step out without a jacket.

In Iceland Magazine you can read about 10 words and phrases in Icelandic that don’t exist in English. At least not with the exact same meaning.

The article got so popular that now there is another one with more Icelandic words and phrases. My favourite is probably ‘hundslappadrífa’, but what I’ve most often missed not having here are English words for ‘sólarhringur’ and ‘mæðgur/feðgar’. Check it out!

23 Jun


20690_10205078130927008_7467613870083942491_nI noticed this street art in my neighbourhood a while ago and I like it. There is something about the little kid that fascinates me. Can’t quite put my finger on it.

I did some research and found out it was made by a street artist called Bambi. Rumours say Bambi is female and a former celeb in the music industry. Nobody knows. Some call her ‘the female Banksy’.


Bambi is from North London and in 2010, the vandalism of a popular Bambi stencil in Primrose Hill reignited a long running London debate over the preservation of street art and resulted in Islington Councillors proposing a community committee be established to rule on the future protection of street art. Her best known work is probably when she commemorated the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton with the satirical slogan ‘A Bit Like Marmite’ across their chests.


Her website


22 Jun

My beloved Primrose Hill

11415470_10205826143266849_1252669487698795569_oIn the words of William Blake ‘I have conversed with the spiritual Sun. I saw him on Primrose Hill’. It’s my heaven as well. One of my favourite places in London. It’s such a privilege to be able to take a stroll up Primrose Hill most days. It has one of the best panoramas the capital has to offer, but also fields of green, beautiful trees, and yes… tourists. However, they usually just visit the same spot so it’s easy to walk a bit further and be alone with your thoughts. You can read more about Primrose Hill here.

WILLIAM BLAKE  (1757 – 1827)

Poems and Prophecies. Everyman/Dent, 1950.

From Jerusalem, Chapter 2 (To the Jews) p.190

The fields from Islington to Marybone,

To Primrose Hill and Saint John’s Wood,

Were builded over with pillars of gold,

And there Jerusalem’s pillars stood.

Her Little-ones ran on the fields,

The Lamb of God among them seen…

The Jew’s-harp-house & the Green Man,

The Ponds where Boys to bathe delight,

The fields of Cows by Willan’s farm,

Shine in Jerusalem’s pleasant sight.

19 Jun

Celebrating Icelandic women #FreeTheNipple #outloud

I remember my grandma putting on her best clothes before going to the polling station to vote. Her face lit up when she told me how lucky I was to have the right to vote. If you don’t vote, she said, then you have no right to an opinion about the outcome.

fe9b8f40-f108-0132-44b9-0a2ca390b447Today Icelandic women celebrate 100 years of suffrage. June 19th in 1915, Icelandic women and servants gained the parliamentary vote. However, the rights were restricted to those over forty years of age. Five years later, the suffrage laws were modified and everyone got equal voting rights. Read more about the struggle for voting rights and the amazing pioneer Bríet Bjarnhéðinsdóttir, a driving force in the fight for women’s suffrage, which led to women being granted the right to vote at local elections in 1907, the right to education and political office in 1911, and full suffrage in 1915.

Icelandic women are still a force of nature, fighting for equal rights with all means. Recent revolutionary campaigns have left me speechless and I’m grateful for the courage of those amazing women.

The #FreeTheNipple campaign is focused on fighting double standards regarding the censorship of female breasts. It had been around for a while but when a 17 year old Icelandic girl posted a photo on Twitter showing her nipples and was mocked by a young man, countless Icelandic women rose to her defence and posted their own nipple photos with the hashtag #freethenipple. The movement grew stronger by the minute and was noticed by international media like The Independent and Buzzfeed. This was in March but the movement is still going strong: women and men soaked up the sun topless in front of the parliament building few days ago.

The other campaign was heartbreaking and empowering at the same time. When a woman asked if anyone had experienced sexual abuse, in a closed Facebook group called Beauty Tips, she received hundreds of comments. Women started telling their stories, some of them for the first time. This resulted in a social media campaign aiming to tear down the wall of silence around rape and sexual abuse. On Twitter, they used the hashtags #outloud, #konurtala (“women speak”) and #þöggun (“silenced”). Lots of Icelandic women changed their Facebook profile pictures to yellow or orange images of sad-face emoticons, or sometimes a mixture of both, to show how widespread sexual violence is. You can read more about it in The Independent and Reykjavik Grapevine.

The fight for equality is far from over, but at least the future is bright when young people are as strong and courageous as this.

Bríet Bjarnhéðinsdóttir, photo: Kvennasögusafn Íslands

Bríet Bjarnhéðinsdóttir, photo: Kvennasögusafn Íslands


18 Jun

Harper Beckham’s dresses

I quite often buy my clothes from a charity shop in my neighbourhood, Mary’s Living & Giving shop for Save the Children. When some of the posh Hampstead ladies get bored with their dresses, even after a month or two, they donate it to the shop and then women like myself can buy a nice designer dress for  £15. Best of all, my money goes to Save the Children.

I was doing my morning stroll when I saw a lot of people waiting outside the shop. When I got closer it was obvious that there was a media craze going on, lots of people armed with cameras. Tiny, adorable dresses in the shop’s window reminded me of news saying that the Beckham’s were selling their daughter’s clothes for charity. Harper, this lovely little girl, is already a fashion icon. I hope she will be alright when she grows up, in spite of all the attention.




17 Jun

Happy Independence Day Iceland!

Icelandic National Day. Brings back memories of wearing your best dress and sporting bare legs in spite of the cold, slightly out of tune brass bands, nervous scouts, boring speeches and small children high on sugar, holding balloons and Icelandic flags. My favourite moment of the day has always been when Fjallkonan, the woman of the mountain, recites a poem. She represents the fierce spirit of the Icelandic nation and of Icelandic nature. You can read more about why and how Icelanders celebrate their Independence Day here.

My thoughts are back home and I’ll be celebrating here in London by watching this spectacular video.

16 Jun

Hilarious football fanatic

Iceland and England are among the most dedicated football nations according to Sporting Intelligence. Many Icelanders are devoted supporters of English leagues like United, Arsenal and Liverpool. They save up to go to matches in London, have all the gadgets and sing along while watching a match on TV.

Do British football fans support Icelandic teams then? Nah… not so likely. In these fantastically funny comedy sketches we meet Stuart, a fanatic supporter of the Icelandic league KR. It’s taken from the series Drekasvæðið on RUV (The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service) but don’t worry, it’s in English!