10 Nov

Kissing in the Tunnel

Screen Shot 2015-11-10 at 12.06.32The British Film Institute National Archive is brilliant and it’s possible to watch quite a lot of old films online. I’ve watched many precious clips from British film history, like this kiss from 1899. It’s the earliest film kiss held by the BFI National Archive.

‘This story derives from a popular magic lantern slide show and shows a couple in a railway carriage, going into a dark, Freudian tunnel, taking the opportunity to steal a kiss. As the train emerges into the light the couple move apart in a guilty fashion, and although scarcely enough to make your Victorian grandmother blush, it gives the scene its slight frisson of naughtiness. (Bryony Dixon)’

18 Jun

Harper Beckham’s dresses

I quite often buy my clothes from a charity shop in my neighbourhood, Mary’s Living & Giving shop for Save the Children. When some of the posh Hampstead ladies get bored with their dresses, even after a month or two, they donate it to the shop and then women like myself can buy a nice designer dress for  £15. Best of all, my money goes to Save the Children.

I was doing my morning stroll when I saw a lot of people waiting outside the shop. When I got closer it was obvious that there was a media craze going on, lots of people armed with cameras. Tiny, adorable dresses in the shop’s window reminded me of news saying that the Beckham’s were selling their daughter’s clothes for charity. Harper, this lovely little girl, is already a fashion icon. I hope she will be alright when she grows up, in spite of all the attention.




14 Jun

Travelling back in time

Pincurls and PoutIf you like vintage clothes and antique, going to a Vintage Pop-Up Fair is time well spent. A bit like travelling back in time. It’s perhaps not as cheap as the markets where you have to go through a lot of rubbish to find a pearl in the sand, but definitely not as expensive as buying from a posh vintage- or antique shop.

More importantly the atmosphere is amazing, live singers performing songs from the past, a tea room with old fashioned baking and a vintage beauty parlour. That’s what they promise on their website:

“All the fairs are choc-a-bloc full of handpicked, quality, vintage traders who offer a wide range of genuine vintage goods. From ladies & menswear, both designer and affordable, to a stunning array of vintage jewellery, fashion accessories, haberdashery, retro furnishings, homeware, vintage posters, antique maps, collectables, curiosities and more, all from the 1920’s – 1980’s.”

Fortunately it’s all true. I’ve gone to so many of those fairs and never been disappointed. I’ve bought gorgeous German 50′ earrings for 6 pounds and beautiful handbags for a10-15 pounds.

You can read more about those fairs on their website Pop Up Vintage Fairs London and check out the amazing Pincurls and Pout as well.
